2016 June SAP Official New Released C_BOWI_41 Q&As in GreatExam.com!
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Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)
Which panel should you use to create sub-queries?
A. Data Panel
B. Query Panel
C. Report Panel
D. Slice and Dice Panel
Answer: B
Why would you need to change the data source for your query?
A. To change the universe connection of your universe
B. To use the production universe instead of the test universe
C. To use different objects from the universe
D. To change the order of execution for existing queries
Answer: B
Where can you set the priority options for saving a Web Intelligence document (WID) to Microsoft Excel?
A. Web Intelligence
B. InfoView Preferences
C. Microsoft Excel File Options
D. Web Intelligence Rich Client
Answer: B
Which operators can be used in an Input calculation context?
A. Input
B. ForAll
C. ForEach
D. In
Answer: CD
How much impact does data tracking have on the data size of a Web Intelligence document (WID) Compared to the same document without data tracking?
A. It will stay the same size.
B. It will increase two times.
C. It will increase three times.
D. It will increase by 50% on each refresh.
Answer: B
Your report contains a table. What happens when you drop a dimension object into a blank part of this report?
A. A new group is created.
B. A new block is created.
C. A new free-standing cell is created.
D. A new section is created.
Answer: B
Which three can you use to start the Web Intelligence Rich Client from?
A. InfoView
B. Command Line
C. Start > All Programs
D. Central Management Console
Answer: ABC
Which property do you enable to keep rows in a break together on the same page?
A. The “Start on New Page” property in the Format Section.
B. The “Start on New Page” property.
C. The “Avoid page breaks in block” property.
D. The “Avoid page break” property in the Format Section.
Answer: C
You are working in the Web Intelligence Rich Client. Which two file formats can you save a document in?
Answer: BC
A variable in your report contains the statement:
=If[State] = “California” Then [Sales revenue]
* 1.05 Else If[State] = “Colorado” Then [Sales revenue]
* 1.1 Else If[State] InList (“DC”;”Texas “) Then [Sales revenue]
* 1.15 Else If[State] = “Massachusetts” Then [Sales revenue]
* 1.18 Else [Sales revenue]
Sales revenue for Florida is $1,879,159.
Which rate is applied to the Florida revenue by the formula?
A. 1.00
B. 1.05
C. 1.10
D. 1.15
E. 1.18
Answer: A
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2016 SAP C_BOWI_41 exam dumps (All 160 Q&As) from GreatExam:
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